2022 Export Enforcement Priorities: A Fireside Chat with Assistant Secretary Matthew S. Axelrod
2:00 PM
About the Event
Please join Silverado Policy Accelerator for a fireside chat between Silverado's Executive Director Sarah Stewart and the Department of Commerce's Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement Matthew S. Axelrod. This conversation will be the first public opportunity to hear from Assistant Secretary Axelrod as he discusses his approach to his new role, his short- and long-term priorities for the Bureau of Industry and Security, and the key issue-sets that his team is tackling, including using export control measures to bolster America's economic competition with China and to combat human rights abuses around the world.

Matthew S. Axelrod
Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement, U.S. Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security

Sarah Stewart
Executive Director, Silverado Policy Accelerator