Washington Post: "Here’s how the U.S. should respond to any Russian cyberattacks"
04/14/2022 | Silverado Policy Accelerator
In a new op-ed published today in The Washington Post, Silverado's Co-Founder and Executive Director Dmitri Alperovitch and the RAND Corporations Samuel Charap explore how the U.S. should respond to any Russian cyber attacks stemming from its invasion of Ukraine. They write:
As these threats loom, the U.S. government has a critical decision to make: How will it respond to Russia’s first wave of major cyberattacks? The most effective response would meet two potentially conflicting objectives: deterring further attacks but not pushing the United States and Russia into an escalatory spiral that could lead to a hot war between the world’s two largest nuclear powers. Crafting a response that stops Russia and forestalls further escalation would be a major challenge. But a measured cyber strike against Moscow — accompanied by a clear signal that the United States is willing to take even more dramatic actions if Russia does not back down — could thread this needle.
Read their full analysis here.
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